The laws of Lycurgus in the 21th century

In the 7th century B.C. Sparta changed. Due to it's Doric warrior background Sparta had always been a warrior cult. After the laws of Lycurgus however, Sparta changed into a military camp with one purpose only: to create the ultimate warrior. How can these warrior laws help us in the 21th century to live more freely and? Discover more and keep on reading.

Lycurgus bass relief

1. Learn to let go
One of the first things Lycurgus imposed was to divide the territory of Sparta fairly. This would mean that vast and huge plots of land of the aristocrats would be taken by the state and divided equally amongst the Spartan citizens (Homoioi). I am pretty sure the estate owners weren't too happy about this but in the end Lycurgus got his way and the land was divived equally amongst the Spartans. This teaches us to let go, in life you cannot be attached to material things as material things will make us dependent of them. If someone steals our material stuff we will be unhappy. You are not the house you live in, the car you drive, the amount of money you own... Enjoy what you have, but learn to let go too.

2. Carry your iron bars
Speaking about money, that was one of the second changes Lycurgus did, in Sparta all currency of gold and silver was replaced by big iron bars who weighed a lot and had low value. Funny thing is, after these iron bars became the new currency a lot of injustice stopped in Lacedaemon. Since the money had no value outside Greece importing of exotic goods ceased to be and luxury came automatically to an end. I'm not suggesting you carry iron bars next time you go shopping but remove  all plastic and creditcards from your wallet and carry around cash money. It will make you think twice before spending. Nowadays we try to make paying easier with the summum being wireless paying (because putting your payment card in a terminal and remembering a code is too hard), stop it, don't make it easier. Make it harder and you'll automatically spend less.

3. Spend time with the brotherhood
Lycurgus instituted the Syssitia, or dining in the public places. Each Spartan would be allocated to a dining group of 15 men and each was expected to bring his part for the meal. Failing to do so could get you expelled which brought great shame upon you. During these meals Spartans were able to talk freely and it was expected from a Lacedaemon to take a jest or to get it returned and not take it ill. We know the eldest of the group would rise at the start and say: not a word spoken in this company goes out there. How can we apply this to our 21th century lives. Make some time for your brotherhood, I've done quite an article on this before.  Meet on fixed dates and make everyone pay or bring his part for the event. And don't let word go out from things spoken. What happens at the Syssitia stays at the Syssistia.

4. Protect your personal values from strangers
Lycurgus forbade Spartans to travel unless with a very good reason, a Spartan could be sent out to function as a general for a foreign army,... On the other hand, without any good reason you would not be allowed into the city of Sparta after the laws of Lycurgus took place. The reasoning behind this was that Lycurgus did not want Spartans to grow soft when visiting other states or foreigners bringing in vile diseases into Sparta or influence the Spartan mind. Now in an age of travel we must look at this differently. We will go out, and you can be pretty sure, that when you live a modern Spartan life, you will get opinions thrown at you. Protect your values and do not let others influence you. This perhaps, might be the most difficult of them all.

Life under the laws of Lycurgus
Lycurgus: lawgiver of Sparta

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