A spartan life: a healthy mind in a healthy body

Sparta was a tough place to be. It was an important duty of every Spartan citizen to take care of his body and keep it in shape. Fat citizens would be punished or could even face exile. When a fat slave was caught he could be executed or his master would be given a fine. While we clearly live in another age it teaches us about the importance to keep our body in shape and that it is a basic part of living the Spartan life.


No matter where you are now, obese, athletic or underweight if you want to become a modern Spartan you will have to start taking care of your body. Not for vanities sake, no because you have an obligation to yourself and the Spartan mentality. The good news, everyone can have a good physique. It takes dedication, putting in the works, feeding your body the right way and rest. I often hear people complaining: "yes but i gain weight easily or I have bad genes, obesity runs in the family..." and while that all may be true, we just have to be ruthless and very honest with ourselves. "Bullshit, stop lying to yourself!" Life is not fair, deal with it... I am like many of you, one of those guys that gain weight easily, my dad on the other hand is a natural athlete. He can eat whatever he wants and still have a six pack and at age 62 he still has iron abs, broad shoulders and a chiseled chest. (Nope I definately do not have his physique genes)  On the other hand, if I eat correctly and don't eat a lot of sugary things I lose weight and put on a lot of muscle. That's how the cards have been dealt and I must play them to my advantage. 

So be honest with yourself, perhaps you might not be aware of some of your bad habits. Write them down. For a week, a month or a lifetime. Get your own personal journal and write down what you eat on a day. Write down your triggers. Get insight in yourself. It is only when you know yourself, what motivates you and what triggers you that you will be able to transform yourself.

Many people think that one workout will make you stronger or faster. Again... time to wake up. One workout will do nothing... It is a consistent progressive workout routine that will make you stronger. Nowadays life is easy... Implement difficulties in your life. I, for example, start every day with 100 crunches, 100 pushups and 100 V-ups. I don't like doing this, I just get up and do it. Find things you can change in your life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator... Your commute to work? Perhaps you're able to do it with your bike. If you drive daily (or weekly 1 one day a week can make a big difference) with your bike instead of driving the car you're being Spartan. If you do this for a long time you will notice that after one year you are a different person.  That is the reality of life.

So my task for you? Get a journal, try to log as much as you can about your movement habits, your dietary habits, your emotions: what made you happy, what made you sad. Try to implement even one tiny bit of difficulty in your life. Don't start to big and intimidating but stick to things you can do daily and wait for the next article in the series.

Let me know in the comments below, what change of difficulties did you implement in your life and how did it work out for you? 

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