A Spartan life: personal health and grooming

Boys during the Agoge received one crimson colored cloak a year from the state. It functioned as a cloak, a blanket and whatever use a big piece of textile can have. We know Spartans kept their hair long because long hair ads beauty to a good looking face and terror to an ugly one according to Lycurgus. Before the final battle of Thermopylae, Persian scouts made report of Spartans combing their hair whilst preparing for battle.

King Leonidas saying goodbye to queen Gorgo

What does this teach us, men of the 21th century? 

First of al, keep your wardrobe to a minimum. Go through all the clothes you barely wear anymore and discard them. Yes even that shirt, of blabla you never wear anymore... Get rid of it. Remember in the laws of Lycurgus, be able to let go. Do it, and do it now... You want your wardrobe to be functional and easy. If your job dictates it to wear a certain type of dress-code, the main part of your wardrobe we be styled towards this dress-code.  Another section of your wardrobe will be dedicated to your active life outside of your job. Another section will be styled towards social life and relaxation and least but least, make sure you at least own one suit for formal dress. Honestly that's all you need.

When buying new clothes or replacing worn out items don't go for flashy and cheap looking items. Instead shop with the Spartan's mindset for simplicity and raw materials. Pick the right fabric and cuts for your body, this will leave you with a garment which drapes nicely around your body and will make you look good. Look at your body type. Some type of clothing look better to you than others. If you happen to have a V-shaped body type you would want to wear something to accentuate it, not a burlap sack. Go for a snug fit, not a skintight bodysuit fit. This will make you look like you try to hard. Invest in quality, not quantity. This is actually not only Spartan but a mindset that was even used by our grandparents. It is only in the age of the consumer that our wardrobes bulge out, full of clothes we don't wear and just take up space. All these small things together make up for a massive budget that could have been used for a few, nice and good-looking quality items which will last you very long.

On grooming
Spartans were not barbarians, they were nicely groomed men which took care of their bodies and appearance. Even in the face of death as the reports of Thermopylae tell us. When living the Spartan mentality you are obliged to take of yourself, for yourself and your loved ones. Comb your hair and trim your beard, brush your teeth,... Put on some fragnance and always wear clean clothes. But guys please, don't overdo it. I've seen a man in a business meeting during my job who's nails were polished in such a way I could caught a reflection of myself every time this bloke moved his hands. Don't be this guy (sorry, not sorry if you are reading this). Adopt a morning routine and stick to it. As always Keep It Stupid Simple (KISS). Keep your morning routine simple and make sure you don't spend more time in the bathroom than your lady. A little bit of personal hygiene and grooming goes a long way.  You're woman will thank you for it.

Feel free to share your morning routine with us in the comments, or contact me in the contact form for more information. Over and out!

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