Building a Spartan warrior: your own Agoge

In this series, we will discuss how to train like a Spartan warrior into a modern-day setting. Primarily it is important to know what was the end result of Sparta. It was to produce the finest warriors ever on an ancient Greek battlefield. This was done in a pipeline, warrior training course, known as the Agoge. There are many articles written on the Agoge of the Spartans and also ancient writings, however by critics and back then Sparta fans so we must keep a critical eye to these sources.


What do we know of the Agoge?
We know it was ruthless.  When a male child was born he was washed in wine, in the belief that it would make him strong and examined by members of the Gerousia to see whether he was strong enough to live. In the event, he was not strong enough he was not tossed from a cliff like the myth wants us to believe but abandoned at the base of mount Taygetus. Often helots would pick up the child and raise it as their own to help on Spartan farms.  There were supposedly 3 phases in Spartan education.

1. Paides 7 - 17 years old
2. Paidiskoi 17 -19 years old
3. Hebontes 19 - 29 years old

The end goal of the Agoge was to produce warriors. Therefore it is important to know the definition of a Spartan warrior.


A Spartan warrior would be the ultimate warrior the ancient Greeks could produce, willingly to defend Sparta to the death, this we know of the battle at Thermopylae. A Spartan warrior would not be hindered by heat or cold and would do fine with very little or no comfort or food. This we know of ancient writings.

This means a different approach to our modern training, remember, we are training warriors, not athletes. An athlete is made by exercise, good nourishment to feed broken down muscle tissue and rest as means of recovery for our body. A warrior is forged through hardship, suffering and going the extra mile. I think we can compare the style of training with modern military spec ops training.

Navy Seals kandidates during hellweek

A Spartan warrior style kind of training must include the following elements:

Physical training:
-Endurance: you must be able to endure a certain activity over a long period of time.

-Functional strength: strength is always important, with equally skilled opponents the strongest will always have an advantage. Strength is your horsepower, the ability to walk around in heavy armour, with a heavy shield on your arm and a deadly spear in the other hand.

-Stamina: our stamina is the size of our fuel tank which allows us to participate in physical events

-Muscle vs fat: A little layer of fat keeps you warm when it's cold and too much will only slow you down - Muscles will give you the strength you need to carry your shield but too much will only make you a bigger target.

Mental training:
-Mental toughness: the will to go on despite hurt, fear, loss,... Learning to control your thoughts and your bodily responses when under stress.

Emotional training:
-Yoga: Our bodies are giant storehouses of energy & energy producers. The energy that is stored is often stored as emotional baggage. A modern Spartan warrior must be able to ditch this emotional baggage of the path to self-mastery. This can be done by means of certain yoga poses and figures.

-Meditation: Meditation has since long been a part of the training of warriors all over the world. It helps to stay focused on your goals, reflect upon past and future decisions.

Awareness & intuition:
-Attention control: are you aware of your own thoughts, your body and the environment you are in.
-Decision-making skills: to make a decision or not deciding are both decisions. In the heat of combat or life to the ability to make (good) decisions if of utmost importance.

Spiritual training:
-Spiritual training is the culmination of all other aspects of your modern Agogel. Physical training, mental training, emotional training, awareness & intuition cannot be complete without spiritual training. It is about finding out what you believe in,  for what you will fight. Your core values who define you as a person.


There you go, all the pillars for building your own Agoge and become your an ancient Spartan warrior in the 21st century. Leave your experiences in the comments below. If you need any help in constructing your own Agoge or personal training feel free to contact me or fill in the contact form below. 

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