Mission Statement


“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room."

Socrates knew it already 2500 years ago and we all have heard something like that from our parents or others we met during our lives. But you and I, are part of Changement movement. When you are here, reading my mission statement you are on your way to starting your own glorious life. We're not here for mediocrity, concerned with the opinion of others that don't matter. We're not here to take the easy path, build mediocre bodies and live a life like everyone else. 

Why this site?
This site exists to ignite a spark in you and me. To built this spark into a flame and a legendary warrior. This site is part of my own plan to live an extraordinary life, to help and inspire others. If you expect the latest fitness tricks or tips to built a model body fast you are looking in the wrong place. Instead, my site will offer building stones to craft your own legendary life, it will provide tools to overcome obstacles and insights into the Spartan mindset.

The Spartan warrior
I am exactly like you, every day is a battle for me. A battle against laziness, a battle against fears. It's so much easier to do nothing instead of trying something and then fail. We sabotage our own chance to accomplish great deeds and blame situations, others,... 

No more of that!

Our characters will be moulded to standards of the best warriors that ever walked across the planet; the ancient Spartans. Yes, there are many 300 workouts and Spartan gimmicked things out there. I've been studying ancient Sparta for over 10 years and will try to transfer their timeless values into a modern setting for you. I am on my own way to become my own beast, an ancient Spartan into a modern world, and live a glorious life. Are you?

Join me on this site, follow our social media accounts, read the articles or sign up for our newsletter. Implement the building blocks into your life, let me know how things work out for you in the comment section. Engage in our syssitia* and be a proud member of a community and not just another follower on a social network.

The syssitia (Classical Greek: τὰ συσσίτια ta syssítia) were, in Ancient Greece, common meals for men and youths in social or religious groups, especially in Crete and Sparta, though also in Megara in the time of Theognis (6th century BC) and Corinth in the time of Periander (7th century BC).
The banquets spoken of by Homer relate to this tradition. Some reference to similar meals can be found in Carthage and according to Aristotle (Politics VII. 9), it prevailed still earlier amongst the Oenotrians of Southern Italy.[1]
The origin of the syssitia is unknown; while Lycurgus certainly made use of the practice in Sparta, we do not know whether he introduced the practice or developed an existing one

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